Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is spaces

    Spaces is a powerful and user-friendly app that enables users to make a difference in their communities by helping others in need. Whether it's supporting local charities, donating to a fundraiser, or performing an act of kindness for someone in need, Spaces offers a convenient and effective way to give back. The app allows users to discover and participate in a wide range of charitable causes and community events, connect with other like-minded individuals, and track their impact over time. By using Spaces, individuals can make a positive impact on the world around them and inspire others to do the same.
  • Why was it created

    Spaces was created to help individuals make a positive impact in their communities by connecting them with opportunities to help those in need. The app's creators recognised that people often want to give back to their communities, but may not know how to get started or where to look for opportunities to do so. Spaces was designed to bridge that gap, providing a centralised platform where users can discover and participate in a variety of charitable causes and acts of kindness. By making it easier and more accessible for people to engage in community service and philanthropy, Spaces aims to create a more compassionate and supportive society, where individuals and communities are empowered to help one another.
  • How to create a space
    Creating a cause through Spaces is a simple process that allows users to bring attention to a particular need or issue in their community. To get started, users can click on the "Create a space" button within the app and provide a title and description for their cause. The description should clearly state what the cause is about and what kind of help is needed. Users can specify how much help is needed, such as a monetary amount or a specific quantity of goods that need to be donated. Additionally, users can upload images or videos to help illustrate their cause and make it more compelling to potential supporters. Once the cause is created, it will be visible to the Spaces community, and users can start sharing it on social media and with their networks to raise awareness and encourage others to get involved. By creating a cause through Spaces, users can take a proactive role in addressing the needs of their community and mobilize others to join in the effort to make a positive difference.
  • How to provide support for a cause

    Supporting a cause through Spaces is a straightforward and easy process. After downloading the app, users can browse through various charitable causes and community events that align with their interests and values. Once they have found a cause they wish to support, they can make a donation directly through the app or sign up to participate in an event or volunteer opportunity. Users can also create their own fundraising campaigns or acts of kindness initiatives and share them with their friends and followers on social media. Spaces also allows users to track their impact over time and see how their contributions have helped to make a positive difference in their communities. By using Spaces to support a cause, users can feel confident that their contributions are going directly to the people and organisations who need them most, and that they are helping to make a real difference in the world around them.
  • What kind of spaces can be created

    Spaces allows users to create a wide range of charitable causes and initiatives that address different needs and issues within their communities. Some examples of causes that can be created through Spaces include flood assistance, which could involve raising funds to help people affected by floods or providing support to organisations that are helping with flood relief efforts. Family support causes could involve providing assistance to families in need, such as providing food, shelter, or other basic necessities. School drives, such as book drives, food drives, or clothing drives, can also be created through Spaces to help support schools and students in need. Charity associations like Vinnies, which support disadvantaged people and communities, can also be highlighted through Spaces. Clothing donations causes can involve collecting and donating clothing to people in need or supporting organisations that are focused on clothing donations. These are just a few examples of the types of causes and initiatives that can be created through Spaces, and the possibilities are endless.

We built this for you

The everyday heroes, the neighbourhood saviours, the kind strangers.

Here’s to that tough-looking boy who walked your grandma’s dog when she was sick, the spicy lady who cooked you a warm meal when things were tough, and the group of friends who mobilised the block to get flooded-out families back into their homes.